Our children are looking to their CASAs, caseworkers, counselors, attorneys, and judges to help them gain a safe and permanent home. Our goal is the same: overcome the obstacles preventing our children from obtaining the safe and permanent homes they deserve. In order to accomplish this, we must all work together. Williamson County has many resources to help our children in need.
In addition to the resources below, we have multiple pamphlets and hand outs in our office for our advocates' use and distribution. This listing is not intended to be an "all inclusive" list of agencies serving this area. Please feel free to call or stop by to look at our supply or to discuss any additional services you may be seeking.
In addition to the resources below, we have multiple pamphlets and hand outs in our office for our advocates' use and distribution. This listing is not intended to be an "all inclusive" list of agencies serving this area. Please feel free to call or stop by to look at our supply or to discuss any additional services you may be seeking.
Adolescent Health Services at Shawnee Healthcare
400 S Lewis Lane
Carbondale, IL 62901
618-549-2621 http://www.shsdc.org
The center is designed for ages birth through 25 years of age. It is a full service medical and dental facility including counseling, health education, prevention programs and resource referrals in the lower 13 counties of Illinois.
Amy Schultz Child Advocacy Center (The Amy Center)
500 Fairfield Rd
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
618-244-2100 http://www.amycenter.mvn.net
Dedicated to improving the system's response to child sexual abuse victims and teaching them the skills they need to prevent or interrupt child sexual abuse. Committed to lessening the trauma experienced by child victims.
Angels' Cove Pregnancy Care (Baptist Children's Home and Family Services)
4243 Lincolnshire Dr
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
618-242-4944 http://www.bchfs.com
Provides maternity care for young women facing unplanned pregnancy, as well as foster care, international and domestic adoption services. Also, provides counseling services--see locations on website.
Archway, Inc. Archway II
1108 W. Willow St 2751 W Main St
Carbondale, IL 62901 618-549-4442 Carbondale, IL 62901 618-529-5944
Provides education services for children birth to three years of age who have been identified as high risk, premature, developmentally delayed or disabled and their families.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson and Perry Counties (works through H-Group/Youth & Family
Carbondale Campus
Carbondale, IL 62901
618-457-6703 ext. 216 http://www.buildingbettertomorrows.org
Provides children, ages 4 - 17, with volunteer adult role models.
Caritas Family Solutions
10286 Fleming Rd
Carterville, IL 62918
618-985-2000 http://www.cssil.org
Comprehensive individual, family and school counseling; adoption services; birthparent services and foster care. Contracts with DCFS to provide caseworkers/services to abused/neglected children and families at risk
Career One Stop
Harrisburg 618-252-6020
Marion 618-993-8908
Mt. Vernon 618-241-6720
Pulaski County/Ullin 618-634-3200
Website for local centers is by ZIP Code, town name, and state: http://careeronestop.org/
Centerstone Crisis Center (Formerly The H Group)
Crisis Center 403 Commerce St, Carterville IL 855-985-0911
Carbondale South 2311 South Illinois St, Carbondale IL 618-457-6703
(Carbondale South has open access; no appointment needed; call first to confirm time and availability)
Carbondale Emerald 200 N Emerald Lane, Carbondale IL 618-457-6703
Carterville Administration 310 W Plaza Dr, Carterville IL 855-608-3560
Marion - Main Street 1307 W Main St, Marion IL 618-997-5336
(Marion - Main Stree has open access; no appointment needed; call first to confirm time and availability)
Marion - Illinois Centre Healthcare 3111 Williamson County Parkway 618-997-3647
(Marion - Illinois Centre Healthcare has open access; no appointment needed; call first to confirm time and availability)
West Frankfort 902 W Main St, West Frankfort, IL 618-937-6483
Provides behavioral healthcare for adults, services for adults with developmental disabilities, mental health out-patient, substance abuse services , and services for children and families.
Child and Family Connections
PO Box 1180
Carbondale, IL 62903
Local: 618-529-3147 Toll free: 888-340-6702 http://www.cfconnection.org
Serves Perry, Jackson, Union, Alexander, Pulaski, Johnson, Massac, Pope, and Hardin counties.
Provides physical therapy, speech therapy, developmental therapy, occupational therapy, hearing and vision services, assistive technology and medical diagnostic testing. Some of the conditions that could make a child eligible: autism, speech or language delay, cleft palate, feeding/sleep issues, motor delay, vision or hearing loss, low birth weight, down syndrome, etc., for children ages birth to three. For those who are eligible, fees would range from 0 to $200 per month, based on family size and income. Evaluations are free.
Cross Walk Community Action Agency
401 W Main St
West Frankfort, IL 62896
618-937-3581 http://www.crosswalkcaa.com
Provides assistance with heating and cooling costs, home weatherization and housing rehabilitation for low income families.
Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS)
107 Airway Drive
Marion, IL 62959
618-993-8639 www.state.il.us/dcfs
This website is for DCFS at state/county level while providing the requirements under which DVFS of Illinois operates.
The Fellowship House
800 N Main St
Anna, IL 62906
618-833-4456 http://www.thefellowshiphouse.com
Provides alcohol, drug, and gambling rehabilitation; In-patient and out-patient for adults; out-patient counseling for adolescents 12-18 years of age and their families.
Franklin Williamson Bi-County Health
120 Express Dr
Marion, Il 62959
618-993-8100 www.bicountyhealth.org
Provides health education, immunizations, low cost testing and counseling for pregnancy, STDs, and HIV.
Gateway Foundation
1080 E Park St.
Carbondale, IL 62901
877-505-4673 http://recovergateway.org/drug-treatment/il/carbondale
Call 618-529-1151 for information related to someone already in treatment.
Provides alcohol and drug treatment. Gateway offers residential and out-patient programs for individuals seeking substance abuse treatment who also have a co-occurring serious mental illness such as major depression or bipolar disorder. They have residential, day treatments, intensive out-patient and after care for both adults and adolescents. Gateway offers and encourages family counseling.
Good Samaritan House
701 S Marion St
Carbondale, IL 62901
618-457-5794 http://www.goodsamcarbondale.org
Provides emergency shelter, soup kitchen, and food pantry. Good Samaritan House can house 30 individuals. Also, provides transitional house for 12 individuals.
Hands of Hope Family Clinic
808 W. Prairie St
Marion, IL 62959
Provides basic medical diagnosis/treatment/medication free of charge to families who are under or uninsured.
Jackson County Mass Transit
608 E College St
Carbondale, IL 62901
Dispatch - Carbondale only: 618-549-0304
Outside Carbondale: 866-884-7433
Provides door to door and established route service. If the ride originates in Jackson County, can go to other "touch" counties.
Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance
Old National Bank Bldg., 3rd Floor
509 S University Ave
Carbondale, IL 62901
618-457-7800 or 800-642-5335 http://www/lollaf.org
Persons who have been advised to apply for services: call 877-342-7891 M-F 9AM - 1:30PM
Covers counties from Jefferson County south. Provides free legal assistance to qualifying individuals. Covers family issues, consumer issues, senior/disabled persons, education (children with disabilities and wards of DCFS).
The Lighthouse Shelter
1101 N Madison St
PO Box 732
Marion, IL 62959
618-993-8180 http://www.thelighthouseshelter.com
Provides shelter and other services to the homeless; can serve up to 60 individuals (men, women, families).
Lutheran Social Services
1616 W Main St
Marion, IL 62959
618-997-9196 http://www.lssi.org (When at this website, click # 4 on map for Southern Illinois)
Behavioral health services (counseling, substance abuse, mental health and developmental disabilities), children's community services (adoption, foster care, pregnancy counseling, intact family services, residential services and Head Start). Prisoner and family ministry (support for children of incarcerated parents and their caregivers). Contracts with DCFS to provide caseworkers/services to abused/neglected children and at risk families.
Man-Tra-Con (Regional Office)
Illinois Star Centre
3000 W DeYoung St
Marion, IL 62959
618-998-0970 http://www.mantracon.org/contact.htm
Provides assistance with job search and job placement of adults age 18 and older in five counties (Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Perry, and Williamson.) They also have a young Program (ages 16-21) for those who may be school dropouts, foster children, homeless, offenders, etc.
Marion Ministerial Alliance
103 E Calvert St
Marion, IL 62959
618-993-8419 http://www.marionalliance.org
Acts as an emergency soup kitchen/food pantry. Only those living in Unit 2 School District will receive food pantry and other services, such as utility/rent assistance. For those outside Unit 2, go to the above website.
The Mulberry Center
Harrisburg Medical Center
100 Warren Tuttle Dr
Harrisburg, IL 62946
618-252-0999 or 618-253-7671 http://www.harrisburgmedicalcenter.com (Information found under patient services/inpatient/ behavior health services.
Provides in-patient and out-patient psychiatric care.
Also provides behavior health services at the: Bradford House
210 E Woolcott St
Harrisburg, IL 62946 618-253-0418
The Night's Shield Children's Center
301 E Garland St
West Frankfort, IL 62896
618-932-6400 http://www.thenightsshield.org
Provides 24-hour emergency shelter for children removed from their home due to abuse, neglect and/or abandonment for the entire state, especially sibling groups, birth to 18.
Pregnancy Matters http://www.pregnancymatters.org/about.html
Jackson County Office
241 S Lewis Lane
Carbondale IL 62901
618-549-2794 or 888-303-8859 (toll free)
Williamson County Office
1200 E DeYoung St
Marion, IL 62959
Union County Office
Union County Hospital
517 N Main St
Anna, IL 62906
Perry County Office
Pinckneyville Community Hospital
101 N Walnut St, 3rd Floor
Pinckneyville, IL 62274
Provides free pregnancy testing, infant supplies and clothing. Also provides pregnancy prevention programs to teens and their parents.
Project 12-Ways
850 Lincoln Dr
Northwest Annex A Wing, Suite 143
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL 62901
618-453-2434 or 866-879-2199 http://project12-ways.siuc.edu
Services/SIU protocols provide, but are not limited to:
*Environmental neglect
*Difficulties in providing adequate supervision
*Vulnerability to domestic violence
*Self-protection against sexual and other forms of exploitation
*Physical maltreatment
*Problems associated with atypical development
Rides Mass Transit District
Williamson County Dispatch: 618-993-1900 http://www.ridesmtd.com/contact.php
Other counties include: Crawford, Edwards, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jasper, Lawrence, Pope, Richland, Saline, Wabash, Wayne, and White. See website for phone numbers.
Provides door to door and established route service. Can go to Jackson County if ride originated in one of the above counties.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Southern Illinois Coalition for the Homeless
801 N Market St
Marion, IL 62959
618-993-0094 http://homelesstohome.vpweb.com/
Provides affordable housing and support services to qualifying homeless or near homeless individuals.
Southern Illinois Regional Social Services (SIRSS)
See H Group
Williamson County Child Advocacy Center
501 S. 14th St
Herrin, IL 62948
618-942-3800 www.wcocac.org
Women's Center 24 Hr HOTLINE: 618-529-2324
610 S. Thompson St
Carbondale, IL 62901 www.thewomensctr.org
Administration 618-549-4807
Williamson County - Marion satellite Office (also serves Johnson and Saline Counties)
1108 N Carbon St, Ste J
Domestic Violence 618-997-0949
Rape Crisis 618-993-0803
Franklin County Satellite Office
Franklin County Courthouse
202 W Main St
Benton, IL 62812
Domestic Violence 618-438-4118
A website providing comprehensive online resources in the following categories: health, social services, education, government, cultural, recreation, civic, and workforce employment training and transition services for the 31 most southern counties in Illinois.
Provides criminal and civil histories for several Illinois counties.
Note: The CASA offices pays for an expanded data base which includes the entire state.
www.vinelink.com (to search by state: http://www.vinelink.(state name).com
A website that provides offender custody and case status to victims. Also provides victim resources.
Sex Offender websites:
Note: Pull up any of the states that match this search criteria. The page displayed will allow you to click on "state" which will then bring up a list of all states (there are three pages). Unfortunately, this is a little confusing at first.
This is a State Police site and you will need to agree to the procedures/use of information prior to being able to search. On this site, you can map your neighborhood in the upper right hand corner which will show sex offenders in your home area.
Note: If any discrepancies are found in the contact information above, please contact our office at [email protected] so it can be corrected as soon as possible.