238,000 children have a CASA volunteer standing by their side each year, ensuring their voices are heard and needs are met. But another 400,000 go it alone.
You can change that.
You can change that.
Nannette Vaughn, Executive Director 1-800-25ABUSE

Williamson County Administrative Bldg
Phone: (618) 998-2291 407 N. Monroe St., 3rd Floor
Fax: (618) 998-0006 PO Box 972
Marion, IL 62959
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (618) 998-2291 407 N. Monroe St., 3rd Floor
Fax: (618) 998-0006 PO Box 972
Marion, IL 62959
Email: [email protected]
Service Stats
2017 2018 2019
New Children Assigned to CASA 65 64 85 Total Children Served by CASA 169 183 173 In 2019, Williamson County opened a record number 125 new child abuse and neglect cases. This is a 30% increase since 2017. As of 12/31/2019, Williamson County had 231 open juvenile cases. |
You CAN make a difference...
In 2019, 83 CASAs served 173 local children |
Story in the Stats
* The Illinois Department of Child and Family Services receives and investigates a report of suspected child abuse or neglect every five minutes, and a report of child sexual abuse every two hours.
* Other than a parent, the paramour (live-in boyfriend/girlfriend) is the most likely indicated perpetrator of child abuse and/or neglect
* CASA of Williamson County is assigning three times more children in crisis to trained CASA advocates every year than ten years ago
* Other than a parent, the paramour (live-in boyfriend/girlfriend) is the most likely indicated perpetrator of child abuse and/or neglect
* CASA of Williamson County is assigning three times more children in crisis to trained CASA advocates every year than ten years ago